Valid from Valid from 20.09.2021r.
I. Definitions used
- Store - online store available at attyeofficial.com, through which the Buyer may purchase Products and Services available in the Store.
- Seller - C'ana Spółka z Ograniczoną Odpowiedzialnością, Mikołaja Kopernika 13/1, 00-359 Warszawa, NIP: 5252674226, REGON: 365292741, KRS: 0000634303
- Online Store Regulations - these Regulations for the provision of electronic services, specifying the rules for the use of the Store.
- Privacy Policy - a document that describes the purposes and means of data processing, as well as the rights of data subjects.
- Consumer - an adult natural person with full legal capacity, making a purchase from the Seller not directly related to its business or professional activities.
- Customer - an adult natural person with legal capacity, legal person or organizational unit without legal personality, but with legal capacity, making a purchase at the Seller's directly related to its business or professional activities.
- Customer-Consumer - an adult natural person making a purchase at the Seller directly related to his/her business activity, when the purchase does not have for that person a professional character, resulting in particular from the subject of his/her business activity, made available on the basis of the provisions of the Central Register and Information on Business Activity.
- Buyer - both Customer, Customer-Consumer and Consumer.
- Personal data controller - the entity that decides about the purposes and means of data processing. The administrator of the Buyer's personal data is the Seller.
- Order - a declaration of will made by the Buyer aimed directly at concluding a contract with the Seller by completing and submitting an electronic purchase form available on the Store's website, including reading and accepting the Rules and Regulations of the online store.
- Goods - all physical products available in the Store, such as dresses, blouses, skirts.
- Warranty - a mode of claiming liability from the Seller in connection with a revealed physical defect (non-compliance with the contract) or legal defect of the purchased Product.
- Warranty - a voluntary statement concerning the quality of Goods made by the Guarantor. It indicates the obligations of the Guarantor and the rights of the Buyer in case when the sold Goods do not have the properties specified in the guarantee statement.
- Warrantor - an entrepreneur who has made a warranty statement, such as a manufacturer, importer, distributor of Goods or a Seller.
- Account - one of the services provided electronically in the Store by the Seller. Buyer can voluntarily register in the store, in particular in order to further use the services of the store, save Products to favorites or view the history of Orders carried out in the store.
- Newsletter - one of the services provided electronically in the Store by the Seller, consisting in sending marketing information electronically to the e-mail address provided by the Buyer, with his prior consent.
II. General Provisionsólne
- Prices given by the Seller are expressed in Polish zloty (PLN) or other currency for the given language of the website and are gross prices.
- The seller is a VAT payer.
- The Seller shall issue VAT invoices and bills of sale.
- Seller agrees to provide Products and Services free from defects.
- The Buyer is obliged to use the Goods offered by the Seller in a manner consistent with the laws in force in the territory of the Republic of Poland, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations, as well as not to provide content prohibited by generally applicable laws.
- All Goods offered by the Seller in the Store are new.
- The Buyer is obliged to familiarize himself with the technical requirements necessary to use the Services, contained hereinafter in the Regulations (Technical Requirements).
III. Forms of payment
- Sprzedawca udostępnia następujące formy płatności:
- online payment - online prepayment by bank transfer or by Visa, Mastercard through an external payment system PayPro SA Kanclerska 15, 60-327 Poznań, NIP: 779-236-98-87, Regon:301345068, District Court Poznań - Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, VIII Economic Division of the National Court Register KRS No. 0000347935, amount of the initial capital: PLN 4,500,000, paid in full, with payment term up to 3 calendar days from the date of the Order.
IV. Conclusion of the sales contract.
- To order a Product through the Store, visit the Store's website, e.g. attyeofficial.com/shop, and then select the Goods, following the information displayed on the Store's website.
- W celu złożenia Zamówienia niezbędne jest wykonanie przez Kupującego następujących czynności:
- dodania Towaru do koszyka,
- wypełnienia formularza zamówienia takimi danymi, jak imię i nazwisko lub nazwa Kupującego,
- podanie adresu e-mail, na który zostanie przesłane potwierdzenie zawarcia umowy sprzedaży,
- wskazania danych wystawienia rachunku lub faktury, jeśli Kupujący chce ją otrzymać, w tym podania innych danych do rozliczenia, jak NIP, nazwa podmiotu, na który ma zostać wystawiona faktura lub rachunek,
- wybór formy płatności,
- akceptacja regulaminu Sklepu,
- potwierdzenie woli zawarcia umowy, w tym wybranie przycisku „Zamawiam z obowiązkiem zapłaty” lub o równoważnej treści.
- After the Buyer has entered all the data necessary to place an Order, a summary of the Order will be displayed.
- Order sent by the Buyer is a statement of intent by the Buyer to conclude a sales contract with the Seller, in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.
- After submitting the Order, the Buyer will receive a message confirming the Order, which constitutes a statement of intent by the Seller to conclude a contract of sale with the Buyer, including the Goods. The contract of sale shall be deemed concluded upon receipt by the Buyer of message from the Seller.
V. Lead time and delivery of the Goods
- The Seller fulfills placed Orders for Goods within 3 calendar days, counting from the next day, on which the Seller receives payment.
- The Order completion time does not include the Goods delivery time, which depends on the delivery method selected by the Buyer.
- Delivery costs for the Goods are communicated to the Buyer before the Buyer sends the Order
- The cost of delivery is related to the choice of delivery method by the Buyer.
- The buyer can choose from several delivery method options, including:
- Dostawa kurierem DHL – 19 zł
- Sprzedawca nie wysyła towarów za granicę.
- If, upon receipt of the Goods, the Buyer finds mechanical damage to the contents of the consignment, incompleteness of the consignment, inconsistency of the contents of the consignment with the subject of the Order, the Buyer shall be entitled to refuse acceptance of the consignment and promptly notify the Seller of this situation.
- If it is possible, the Buyer may, in case of damage, prepare a damage protocol in the presence of the Supplier's representative (e.g. courier). It will accelerate the complaint procedure, but it is not necessary to assert claims.
VI. Right of Revocation.
- The Consumer and the Customer-Consumer have the right to withdraw from a distance contract without giving any reason and without incurring costs.
- Exceptions to withdrawal are indicated later in the Terms and Conditions, i.e. Exceptions to Withdrawal.
- The period for withdrawal from a distance contract is 14 days from the moment the Consumer or Customer-Consumer takes possession of the Goods.
- To meet the withdrawal deadline it is enough to send a statement of withdrawal to the Seller before its expiry to the email address contact@attyeofficial.com.
- The statement of withdrawal should be sent to the following e-mail address: contact@attyeofficial.com.
- The Consumer or the Customer-Consumer may use the template of the Withdrawal Form provided by the Vendor or use Appendix 2 of the Consumer Rights Act of 30 May 2014.
- Konsument lub Klient-Konsument może także sporządzić własnoręcznie pismo o odstąpieniu od umowy, przy czym za niezbędne uważa się co najmniej:
- dane identyfikacyjne i adresowe Konsumenta,
- nazwę lub symbol zwracanego Towaru,
- datę otrzymania Towaru przez Konsumenta,
- numer rachunku bankowego lub inny sposób zwrotu kosztów Towaru przez Sprzedawcę.
- The Seller shall immediately send to the Consumer or Customer-Consumer an acknowledgement of receipt of statement of withdrawal from the contract.
- If the Consumer or Customer-Consumer sends a statement of withdrawal by traditional mail, the date of mailing of the correspondence shall count for the observance of the 14-day period for withdrawal.
- In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the contract shall be deemed not to have been concluded.
VII. Exceptions to Waiver.
- Zgodnie z artykułem 38 Ustawy z dnia 30 maja 2014 r. o prawach konsumenta, Konsumentowi lub Klientowi-Konsumentowi nie przysługuje prawo do odstąpienia od umowy:
- o świadczenie usług, jeżeli przedsiębiorca wykonał w pełni usługę za wyraźną zgodą konsumenta, który został poinformowany przed rozpoczęciem świadczenia, że po spełnieniu świadczenia przez przedsiębiorcę utraci prawo odstąpienia od umowy;
- w której cena lub wynagrodzenie zależy od wahań na rynku finansowym, nad którymi przedsiębiorca nie sprawuje kontroli, i które mogą wystąpić przed upływem terminu do odstąpienia od umowy;
- w której przedmiotem świadczenia jest rzecz nieprefabrykowana, wyprodukowana według specyfikacji konsumenta lub służąca zaspokojeniu jego zindywidualizowanych potrzeb;
- w której przedmiotem świadczenia jest rzecz ulegająca szybkiemu zepsuciu lub mająca krótki termin przydatności do użycia;
- w której przedmiotem świadczenia jest rzecz dostarczana w zapieczętowanym opakowaniu, której po otwarciu opakowania nie można zwrócić ze względu na ochronę zdrowia lub ze względów higienicznych, jeżeli opakowanie zostało otwarte po dostarczeniu;
- w której przedmiotem świadczenia są rzeczy, które po dostarczeniu, ze względu na swój charakter, zostają nierozłącznie połączone z innymi rzeczami;
- w której przedmiotem świadczenia są napoje alkoholowe, których cena została uzgodniona przy zawarciu umowy sprzedaży, a których dostarczenie może nastąpić dopiero po upływie 30 dni i których wartość zależy od wahań na rynku, nad którymi przedsiębiorca nie ma kontroli;
- w której konsument wyraźnie żądał, aby przedsiębiorca do niego przyjechał w celu dokonania pilnej naprawy lub konserwacji; jeżeli przedsiębiorca świadczy dodatkowo inne usługi niż te, których wykonania konsument żądał, lub dostarcza rzeczy inne niż części zamienne niezbędne do wykonania naprawy lub konserwacji, prawo odstąpienia od umowy przysługuje konsumentowi w odniesieniu do dodatkowych usług lub rzeczy;
- w której przedmiotem świadczenia są nagrania dźwiękowe lub wizualne albo programy komputerowe dostarczane w zapieczętowanym opakowaniu, jeżeli opakowanie zostało otwarte po dostarczeniu;
- o dostarczanie dzienników, periodyków lub czasopism, z wyjątkiem umowy o prenumeratę;
- zawartej w drodze aukcji publicznej;
- o świadczenie usług w zakresie zakwaterowania, innych niż do celów mieszkalnych, przewozu rzeczy, najmu samochodów, gastronomii, usług związanych z wypoczynkiem, wydarzeniami rozrywkowymi, sportowymi lub kulturalnymi, jeżeli w umowie oznaczono dzień lub okres świadczenia usługi;
- o dostarczanie treści cyfrowych, które nie są zapisane na nośniku materialnym, jeżeli spełnianie świadczenia rozpoczęło się za wyraźną zgodą konsumenta przed upływem terminu do odstąpienia od umowy i po poinformowaniu go przez przedsiębiorcę o utracie prawa odstąpienia od umowy.
VIII. Refund and return of the Goods.
- The Seller will return the money paid by the Consumer or Customer-Consumer within 14 days of receipt of the Consumer's or Customer-Consumer's statement of withdrawal from the contract, using the same method of payment used by the Consumer or Customer-Consumer, unless the Consumer or Customer-Consumer agrees to another way of returning the funds.
- The Seller may withhold reimbursement of funds received from the Consumer or Customer-Consumer until it receives the goods from the Consumer or Customer-Consumer or until the Consumer-Consumer provides proof of return of the Goods.
- The Consumer or Customer-Consumer should return the Goods immediately, but no later than within 14 days of withdrawal from the contract. Returns should be addressed to the registered address of the Seller.
- The Consumer or Customer-Consumer shall be liable for any diminution in the value of the Product resulting from the use of the Product beyond what is necessary to ascertain the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Goods.
IX. Reimbursement of delivery charges.
- The Consumer or Customer-Consumer shall not bear the cost of return, except for the normal cost of returning the Goods to the Seller.
- The normal return costs to be borne by the Consumer or Customer-Consumer include, but are not limited to, the cost of packaging for shipping and shipping charges to the Seller.
- The Seller shall reimburse to the Consumer or Customer the cost of delivery of the Goods calculated as the cheapest ordinary way of delivering things available in the Seller's offer.
- Sprzedawca nie będzie zobowiązany do zwrotu kosztu dostawy Towaru do Konsumenta lub Klienta-Konsumenta w sytuacji, gdy:
- Sprzedawca dostarczył Towar w formie darmowej dostawy, np. po przekroczeniu ustalonej przez Sprzedawcę wartości zamówienia lub w ramach innej akcji promocyjnej prowadzonej przez Sprzedawcę,
- Konsument lub Klient-Konsument zwraca część zamówionych Towarów, a koszty dostawy nie były liczone od sztuki tylko od całości zamówienia.
X. Warranty Claims.
- The Consumer or Customer-Consumer has the right to file a complaint under the warranty, within 2 years from the date of delivery of the Goods in connection with the revealed physical defect (non-compliance with the contract) or legal.
- The Consumer or Customer-Consumer may submit to the Seller a claim under the warranty within one year from the date of noticing the defect.
- All Buyer complaints should be sent in writing or to the Seller's e-mail address.
- The Seller shall consider the complaint within 14 days from the date of its receipt, sending a reply to the e-mail address or correspondence address provided by the Consumer or Customer-Consumer.
- Reklamacja powinna zawierać co najmniej:
- imię i nazwisko, adres, kod pocztowy,
- nazwę zakupionego Produktu,
- opis reklamacji,
- datę ujawnienia się wady Produktu,
- potwierdzenie dokonania zakupu u Sprzedawcy (do wyboru w zależności od okoliczności można przedstawić jeden z wymienionych: dowód zakupu, numer zamówienia, potwierdzenie płatności, e-mail z potwierdzeniem przyjęcia zamówienia przez Sprzedawcę, etc.)
- The Seller shall consider the complaint immediately, no later than within 14 days of receipt, sending a response to the address specified by the Consumer or Customer-Consumer (including e-mail address).
- The Seller shall reimburse to the Consumer or Customer the cost of sending back the defective Goods, immediately after positive resolution of the complaint under warranty.
XI. Warranty
- Some Goods may be warranted by a Guarantor (manufacturer or distributor of the Goods).
- If the Goods are under warranty, a warranty document is attached to the Goods by the manufacturer or distributor.
- The warranty period and the scope of responsibility of the Guarantor is specified in the warranty statement and the description of the Goods or Product
- The rights granted under the guarantee are independent of the rights indicated under the warranty.
XII. Data Protection.
- The administrator of the personal data provided during the use of the Store is the Seller.
- The principles of data processing and the rights of Buyers in relation to the General Data Protection Regulation (RODO) have been included in the Privacy Policy available at www.attyeofficial.com/polityka_prywatnosci.
- The purposes and scope of data processing, the entities to whom the data will be transferred, as well as the rights of data subjects are described in the Privacy Policy.
- Polityka prywatności reguluje zasady przetwarzania danych związanych z:
- składaniem i realizacją Zamówień w Sklepie,
- założeniem Konta w Sklepie,
- zapisaniem się Kupującego do newslettera,
- dokonaniem oceny Sklepu, Produktu lub Towaru,
- kontaktowaniem się Kupującego ze Sprzedawcą za pomocą formularza kontaktowego, jak i telefonicznie lub mailowo na bezpośrednie adresy Sprzedawcy podane na stronie Sklepu.
XIII. Technical requirements necessary to use the Store and the Productów i Usług.
- Do korzystania ze Sklepu niezbędne jest posiadanie przez Kupującego:
- urządzenia z dostępem do Internetu (komputer, tablet, telefon);
- odpowiednio skonfigurowana przeglądarka internetowa obsługująca pliki typu cookies – Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome (zalecane Mozilla Firefox wersja minimum 24.0, Opera od wersji 10, Google Chrome w wersji 28.0 lub nowszej lub MS Internet Explorer w wersji minimum 8.0 lub nowszej), która zapewnia obsługę plików cookie oraz skryptów Javascript. Dopuszczalne jest stosowanie innych wersji przeglądarek internetowych, jeżeli zapewniają one pełną zgodność z wersjami wymienionymi powyżej.
- aktywne i odpowiednio skonfigurowane konto poczty e-mail, umożliwiające odbieranie wiadomości pocztowych przez Kupującego.
- Dla bezpieczeństwa korzystania ze Sklepu zaleca się, aby urządzenie z którego korzysta Kupujący posiadało w szczególności:
- aktualny system antywirusowy,
- skuteczną zaporę bezpieczeństwa (firewall),
- zainstalowane dostępne aktualizacje systemu operacyjnego oraz przeglądarki internetowej, które dotyczą bezpieczeństwa,
- aktywowaną funkcję akceptacji plików cookies oraz Java Script w przeglądarce internetowej,
- oprogramowanie umożliwiające odczyt plików w formacie .PDF/.DOC/.XLS
- The Buyer is obliged to use the Goods offered by the Seller in a manner consistent with the laws in force in the territory of the Republic of Poland, the provisions of the Rules and Regulations of the Online Store, as well as not to provide content prohibited by generally applicable laws.
- The Seller shall not be liable for the Buyer's failure to comply with the aforementioned technical requirements necessary for cooperation with the IT system used by the Buyer. In particular, it concerns cases when the Buyer has wrongly configured or has not configured at all the e-mail account and because of that e-mail messages from the Buyer to the Seller or from the Seller to the Buyer do not reach.
XIV. Registration in the Store and creating an Account.
- Buyer during the process of making the Order can register in the Store.
- The creation of an Account is voluntary.
- An account allows you to view the history of your Orders, save products to your favorites, as well as accelerate the placement of future Orders by automatically saving the Buyer's data on the Order form.
- During Account registration the Buyer provides his identification and address data, as well as his e-mail address and creates his own password.
- The Buyer is obliged not to disclose login data to the Store Account to third parties.
- A buyer who has registered terminates the agreement for the provision of services by electronic means by independently deleting his Account, consisting of submitting instructions for its deletion or submission of a request to remove the Account to the Seller, however, in the case of submission of a request to remove the Seller's Account, termination of the agreement occurs after the expiry of a notice period of 7 days.
- Seller, wishing to terminate the agreement for electronic provision of services concerning the Account will inform the Buyer at the e-mail address provided by him during registration, within 14 days before the planned date of deletion of the Buyer's Account.
XV. Newsletter
- Buyer during the implementation of the Order, and independently of it, can subscribe to the Seller's Newsletter.
- Newsletter consists in sending marketing information by the Seller electronically to the e-mail address provided by the Buyer, with his prior consent.
- The Buyer in order to effectively subscribe to the Newsletter is obliged to correctly provide an e-mail address to which the information is to be sent and confirm the subscription.
- Confirmation of subscription takes place after the subscription. It consists in confirmation of the subscription by the Buyer logging into the mailbox of the given e-mail address and clicking on the activation link in the confirmation message.
- Buyer may withdraw its consent at any time by using the unsubscribe option (unsubscribe) that is available in any marketing message sent by Seller.
- The Buyer may also contact the Seller directly to withdraw consent to receive the newsletter at any time, without affecting the compatibility of the processing prior to the withdrawal of consent.
XVI. Contact form
- The Seller allows the Buyer to send an inquiry to the Seller using a dedicated form on the Store website.
- The use of the Form by the Buyer is voluntary.
- In addition to the form, the Seller makes available to the Buyer on the Store website also a phone number and e-mail address at which the Buyer can contact the Seller.
- The purposes and scope of data processing, the entities to which the data will be transferred, as well as the rights of data subjects are described in the Privacy Policy.
XV. Author's economic rights
- Exclusive rights to content available through the Store, in particular copyright to images, names, trademarks Store, including their component graphics, software and database rights are protected by law and belong to the Seller or third parties, with whom the Seller has entered into appropriate agreements.
- It is forbidden to copy or otherwise use any elements of the Store without the consent of the Seller.
- In the case of violation of copyrights to images, names, trademarks Store, including their component graphics, software and database rights, the person who committed the violation (including the Buyer), shall bear the responsibility provided for in copyright law or intellectual property law.
- Each disclosed case of infringement of author's economic rights or rights to intangible assets, of which the Seller is the sole disposer and authorized person, shall entitle the Seller to impose on an individual infringer a contractual penalty of 10000 PLN.
XVI. ODR Platform.
- The ODR platform (Online Dispute Resolution - ODR) is an interactive website for consumers and sellers who wish to resolve disputes out of court.
- The ODR platform is available at: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.show&lng=PL
- Through the ODR platform, a Consumer residing in the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein may file a complaint regarding goods or services purchased online from a Seller located in the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein.
- Filing a complaint is done by filling out an electronic form and finding the right entity to resolve the dispute.
- All institutions listed on the platform have been verified to ensure that they comply with relevant regulations and have been registered by national authorities. On the territory of the Republic of Poland this authority is - the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK).
XVII. Final Provisions
- In matters not covered by these Rules of Procedure of the Online Store the relevant universally applicable provisions of Polish law shall apply, in particular the Civil Code.
- The competent court for disputes arising from the sales contract shall be the court with jurisdiction over the defendant's registered office. The consumer shall also have the right to bring an action in accordance with the rules of alternate jurisdiction.
- The place of performance is in particular a designated place to which the Seller is obliged under the contract to send Goods to the Buyer.
- The consumer also has the right to refer the dispute to an entity authorized for out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes in accordance with the Act on Out-of-Court Resolution of Consumer Disputes (Journal of Laws 2016.1823 of 2016.11.09) without prejudice to the possibility of bringing an action before a common court.
- Buyers can access the Rules and Regulations of the Online Store free of charge at any time on the Store's website and make a printout.
- These Online Store Terms and Conditions become effective on the date they are published on the Seller's website.
- The Seller reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions.
- New or amended Terms and Conditions become effective 14 days after publication on the Seller's website.